Guaranteed Plans

Guaranteed Plans

In today's society, maintaining financial stability is difficult for the majority of people. Insurance firms have devised guaranteed income plans to meet the need for financial stability in an individual's life. Guaranteed income plans are meant to meet the demands of risk-averse investors, offering them life insurance and maturity benefits as well as regular guaranteed payments. The fixed-income plan provides financial stability by paying a pre-agreed amount (chosen by insured and insurer) of Sum Assured on a regular basis. The plan's USP is the fact that one may receive the money every year, half-yearly, quarterly, or monthly. The business-sponsored insurance plan is a conventional policy with an added bonus feature, in which the insurance consumers are not harassed by market fluctuations; rather, they receive the fullest gains.

Type of Guaranteed Plans

The oldest forms of insurance plans are Guaranteed plans, which are also called conventional plans. Term Insurance policies, money-back programs, whole-life policies, endowment arrangements, and so on are all categorized as conventional insurance.

Below are the most frequent kinds of conventional or Guaranteed life insurance coverage in India:

  • Money-Back Life Insurance Plans
    During the term of the policy, money-back life insurance provides life coverage and maturity benefits are paid out over time as Survival Benefits (money-back payments). As a survival benefit, a proportion of the sum assured is repaid to the insured on a regular basis. One can open a saving plan from this policy.
  • Whole-Life Plans
    It's a life insurance policy that is guaranteed to be in force for the whole duration of the insured's life. If the insured dies, the Sum Assured is paid to the Policyholder's nominee. A whole life insurance policy typically covers the insured for the rest of their lives, up to age 100. If the life insured survives longer than 100 years, the insurer pays out matured endowment coverage to him or her. Also known as SIP, whole life plans can be insured again for further use.
  • Endowment Life Insurance Policies
    It's a sort of insurance and investment. On policy maturity or death, the insured will receive a lump sum as well as bonuses (if any). The life insurance company invests the rest in low-risk securities. This policy can later be used as a fixed deposit.
  • Term Life Insurance Plans
    The most basic and simple insurance policy is term insurance. These insurance plans are meant to ensure that, in the case of the policyholder's death, the family receives the sum assured (the cover amount). The duration of the term plan determines how long insurance protection is provided (policy term/duration). A death benefit will be paid if the insured dies during the period covered by the policy and it is still in force. It is the most inexpensive form of Life insurance due to its low cost.
  • Money-Back Life Insurance Plans
    During the term of the policy, money-back life insurance provides life coverage and maturity benefits are paid out over time as Survival Benefits (money-back payments). As a survival benefit, a proportion of the sum assured is repaid to the insured on a regular basis. One can open a saving plan from this policy.
  • Whole-Life Plans
    It's a life insurance policy that is guaranteed to be in force for the whole duration of the insured's life. If the insured dies, the Sum Assured is paid to the Policyholder's nominee. A whole life insurance policy typically covers the insured for the rest of their lives, up to age 100. If the life insured survives longer than 100 years, the insurer pays out matured endowment coverage to him or her. Also known as SIP, whole life plans can be insured again for further use.
    Guaranteed Child Plan and Guaranteed Pension Plan are the two most popular types of plans that are later amalgamated into these four broad categories.

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Guaranteed Plans Key Terminology

  • Life Insurance Benefits
    Guaranteed insurability, tax-free proceeds, and a cash-value account.
  • Lump-Sum Payment of Sum Assured
    In the unfortunate event of the death of the policyholder, the beneficiary will receive a lump-sum payment of the sum assured.
  • Waiver of all Future Premiums
    In the unfortunate event of the death of the policyholder, premiums for the rest of the policy term will be waived.
  • Fixed Portfolio Strategy
    Your money is invested in a portfolio of fixed income and equity securities which are designed to preserve your capital and generate a steady stream of income.
  • Automatic Transfer Strategy (ATS)
    Your money is automatically transferred to a new fixed income and equity portfolio once the old one has completed its term.
  • Lifecycle Based Portfolio Strategy
    Money is invested in different portfolios, which become more conservative as you approach retirement.
  • Age-Based Portfolio Management
    Your money is invested in different portfolios, which become more conservative as you age.
  • Quarterly Rebalancing
    Your money is rebalanced to its original investment mix every quarter, regardless of how the markets are performing.
  • Loyalty Benefits
    You can earn loyalty benefits, such as a higher sum assured, if you stay with the policy for its entire term.
  • Choice Of Protection Level
    You have the choice of choosing a protection level that is best suited for your needs.
  • Tax Benefits
    You can save on taxes by investing in a life insurance policy.
  • Flexibility of Premium Payment
    You can choose to pay your premiums in monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual installments.
  • Regular Pay Premium Payment
    You can choose to pay your premiums for the policy in a one-time installment.
  • One Pay Premium Payment
    You can choose to pay your premiums for the policy is a one-time installment.
  • Limited Pay
    You can choose to pay your premiums for the policy in a number of installments, over a period of time.
  • Premium Amount
    You can choose to pay a fixed amount of premium for the entire policy term.
  • Premium Payment Ter
    You can choose to pay your premiums for the policy in a fixed number of installments.
  • Policy Term
    You can choose to pay a fixed amount each month for a limited period of time, and the policy will last for the same number of years.
  • Sum Assured
    You can choose the Sum Assured that you want for your policy.
  • Lump-Sum Maturity Benefits
    At the end of the policy term, you will receive a lump-sum payment equal to the Sum Assured.
  • Structured Payout Maturity Benefits
    You will receive a fixed amount of money at the end of the policy term, regardless of the Sum Assured.
  • Guaranteed Additions
    You will receive a fixed amount of money at the end of the policy term, regardless of the Sum Assured.
  • Fund Value
    The value of your investment will grow over time, and you can choose to receive the proceeds in a lump sum or over a period of time.
  • Top-up Fund Value
    You can choose to top up your investment at any time, and the added amount will be invested in the same portfolio as your original investment.


The major advantage of a long-term insurance plan is that you'll be eligible for a guaranteed level of income. These plans are available from 10 to 30 years in length and are suitable for salaried individuals between the ages of 18 and 60 who have completed their education up to bachelor's degree level or higher.


  • It's a sort of life insurance plan that provides regular payments for 10 to 30 years.
  • If the firm pays a vested rise in pension payments, which it does at five to six years following retirement, then there will be a reversionary bonus at maturity. If any terminal bonus is paid out, it will be added to this
  • Provides both death benefits and maturity advantages.
  • The exemption from taxes is one of several advantages.
  • A 30-year mortgage is the most common, with an interest rate of around 4 percent. The term is usually 10 to 30 years.

Benefits of Guaranteed Income Plans

Maturity Benefit
The simple reversionary bonus, if any, and the terminal bonus, if any, is paid when a life insurance policy matures. In case of a long payout period of 15 years, for example, the insured is paid the usual sum assured percentage.

Death Benefit
In the case of the death of an insured person after the premium-paying term or during the payout period, the nominee receives the assured amount as well as other perks making it also called as a type of death benefits.

Income Tax Benefits
Under Section 80C, a corporation can take a tax deduction for the expenses paid during the year. Every year, the company may claim tax deductions for business expenses under Section 80C and exemption from income tax on matured shares subject to the terms and conditions.

Additional Rider
A rider is included in the guaranteed option, which is known as an Inbuilt Rider. Some standard insurance plans provide entirely guaranteed returns, whereas other arrangements only guarantee a portion of the return. Products that are completely guaranteed in nature are available.

Lump-Sum Benefit
A guaranteed plan will pay you a lump sum benefit on maturity or in case of policyholder’s death. This can be a great way to provide financial security for your loved ones making it a smart benefit for the policyholder.

Loyalty Additions and Wealth Boosters
In addition to the lump sum benefit, many guaranteed plans offer loyalty additions and wealth boosters.

Switch Between Funds
Another great benefit of a guaranteed plan is the ability to switch between funds. This means you can choose a fund that best suits your needs at any given time.

Change in Portfolio Strategy (CIPS )Premium Redirection
You also have the option to change your portfolio strategy (CIPS) or premium redirection. This means you can choose to invest your money in different ways, depending on your needs.

Partial Withdrawal Benefit
A final great benefit of a guaranteed plan is the partial withdrawal benefit. This means you can withdraw some of your money, while still keeping it invested.

Decrease Of Sum Assured
A guaranteed plan will also protect you from decreases in the sum assured. This means your policy will never be worth less than the initial value, no matter what happens in the market.

Non Forfeiture Benefits of Guaranteed Plan in India

When you purchase a life insurance policy, you expect the policy to be there for you when you need it. However, if you stop making premium payments, the insurance company has the right to cancel the policy. If this happens, you may lose all of the money you have paid into the policy. A guaranteed plan can help protect you from losing your investment. Here are some non-forfeiture benefits of Guaranteed Plan:

  • Surrender
    If you need to surrender your policy, a guaranteed plan can help ensure that you receive the full value of your investment.
  • Premium Discontinuance
    If you stop making premium payments, a guaranteed plan can help ensure that your policy does not lapse.
  • Premium Discontinuance During the First Five Policy Years
    If you stop making premium payments after the first five years that you have a policy, a guaranteed plan can help ensure that your policy does not lapse.
  • Treatment of the policy while monies are in the DP Fund
    If the insurance company declares the policy in default and takes possession of the policy, a guaranteed plan can ensure that the company will still pay out the full value of the policy.

Riders Guaranteed Plan

When you choose a Rider Guaranteed Plan, you're guaranteed to receive the coverage you need. Plus, we'll never increase your rates for the life of your policy. That's peace of mind you can count on. Following are some major types of guaranteed plans riders:

Accidental Death Rider
This rider provides a benefit in the event of accidental death. It can be either a flat dollar amount or a percentage of the policy's face value.

Critical Illness Rider
A critical illness rider provides a benefit if you are diagnosed with a critical illness, such as cancer or heart disease. The benefit can be a lump sum of money or a series of payments.

Charges in Guaranteed Plan

When you choose a guaranteed plan, you are essentially choosing to pay a fixed price for your electricity no matter how much it costs the utility company to generate. While this may seem like a safe option, it's important to be aware of the charges that can come with it. Below are some major types of charges required in guaranteed plans:

  • Premium Allocation Charge
    This is a fixed fee that guaranteed plan customers pay in order to receive the benefits of a fixed price. It's usually a percentage of your overall bill, and it ensures that the utility company can cover its costs for offering the guarantee.
  • Fund Management Charge (FMC)
    This is a charge that goes to the fund manager, who is responsible for investing your money and making sure it earns a decent return. The FMC can be a fixed amount or a percentage of your bill, and it's important to understand that it's not related to the actual cost of electricity.
  • Policy Administration Charge
    This is a charge that the utility company charges in order to administer your guaranteed plan. It covers the costs of customer service, marketing, and other related expenses.
  • Mortality Charges
    This is a charge that insurance companies charge in order to cover the risk of customers dying. It's important to note that this only applies to customers who have chosen a fixed price guarantee that lasts for more than one year.
  • Discountinuance Charges
    If you decide to leave your guaranteed plan before the end of your contract, you may be subject to discontinuance charges. These are fees that the utility company charges in order to cover the costs of terminating your agreement.

Terms & Conditions in Guaranteed Plan

Any guaranteed plan is subject to the terms and conditions in the policy contract. In particular, a guaranteed plan may have surrender charges or penalties for early withdrawal. Be sure to read and understand all the terms and conditions before purchasing a guaranteed plan. Some important to be read terms and conditions are:

Freelook period

A guaranteed plan often has a "free look" period, typically 10 or 15 days, during which you can cancel the policy without penalty.

Tax Benefits

Guaranteed plans may offer tax benefits. For example, premiums paid for a guaranteed plan may be deductible from your taxable income.

Suicide Clause

A guaranteed plan may have a suicide clause, which means the policy will not pay out if the policyholder commits suicide within a certain period of time (usually 12 months).

Foreclosure of the policy

If the policyholder dies, the beneficiary may have to foreclose on the policy in order to collect the death benefit. This means that they will have to go through a legal process to take ownership of the policy and receive the payout.

Unit Pricing

With a guaranteed plan, the insurer will credit your account with units based on the current value of the underlying investments. As the investments grow or decline in value, your account balance will increase or decrease by the same percentage. Be sure to ask about the current unit pricing before you purchase a guaranteed plan.

Nomination Requirements

A guaranteed plan may require you to name a beneficiary, who will receive the death benefit if you die. If you do not name a beneficiary, the policy may go to your estate.

Assignment Requirements

A guaranteed plan may also require you to assign the benefits of the policy to a particular financial institution. This means that if you want to withdraw money from the policy, you will have to do so through that financial institution.

Fraud and Misrepresentation

The insurance company reserves the right to declare the policy null and void if it is obtained through fraud or misrepresentation.

Force Majeure

In the event of a natural disaster or other unforeseen events, the insurance company may declare the policy null and void. As with any contract, it is important to read and understand the terms and conditions of a guaranteed plan before purchasing it. By knowing what you're getting into, you can be sure that you are making a wise decision for your financial future.

Terminal Bonus in Guaranteed Plan

When you enroll in a guaranteed plan, you're also eligible for a terminal bonus. This bonus is paid to you when you reach the end of your contract term, and it's based on the number of months or years you've been enrolled in the plan. So if you've been a part of your guaranteed plan for six months, you'll receive a six-month bonus at the end of your contract.

This bonus can be a great way to further secure your retirement savings, and it's one of the many benefits that come with choosing a guaranteed plan. Be sure to ask your provider about the terminal bonus and other features available to you before enrolling.

Policy Loan in Guaranteed Plan

Another great benefit of a guaranteed plan is the policy loan. This allows you to borrow money from your policy's cash value in order to cover expenses such as a down payment on a new home or car, tuition for college, or even a wedding. Be sure to speak with your provider about the specifics of policy loans, as there may be restrictions on how much money you can borrow and for what reasons. But in most cases, this can be a great way to get access to cash quickly and easily.

Grace Period

One final benefit of a guaranteed plan is the grace period. This allows you to miss one payment without having your policy cancelled or experiencing any other penalties. This can be a great way to get back on your feet if you run into a financial snag, and it can help you avoid any damaging marks on your credit score.

Guaranteed Surrender Value

When you reach the end of your contract term, you also have the option to surrender your policy and receive its guaranteed surrender value. This is a set amount of money that your provider agrees to pay you when you cancel your policy, and it can be a great way to get some extra cash in your pocket.

The comparison of best guaranteed plan to the other types of life insurance policies is an important one for consumers to make. The main benefit of a guaranteed plan is that it provides a death benefit to the beneficiary regardless of the health of the insured. One can look at the top 10 guaranteed plans in India to find the best one for their needs or can search online for comparison of Best guaranteed Plan.

Best long term guaranteed investment plan has many benefits that you can enjoy. By contributing to a long-term guaranteed investment plan, you are essentially ensuring that you will have money available to you when you need it most. In contrast, the best short term guaranteed investment plan have fewer benefits and are not always the best option for everyone.

Best Term Life Insurance Plans


How to Choose Best Guaranteed Plan?

When choosing the best guaranteed investment plan, you will need to consider the benefits that are most important to you. But the most important factor here resides in the financial stability of the company you choose to invest with. You will want to be sure that the company you choose is reputable and has a history of paying out its clients on time.

Requirement Amount on Maturity in India regarding Guaranteed Plans

The minimum investment amount for a guaranteed plan varies from company to company. However, the investment amount that is required to be deposited for a guaranteed plan is higher than the investment amount that is required for a non-guaranteed plan. The maximum investment limit that is allowed in India for a guaranteed plan also varies from company to company. The maximum investment limit that is allowed in most cases is Rs. 50 lakh. However, there are a few companies that allow an investment limit of Rs. 1 crore.

Thus, it is important to carefully consider the various factors before investing in a guaranteed plan. The minimum and maximum investment amounts that are required for a guaranteed plan vary from company to company. It is important to ensure that the investment amount that is required for a particular plan falls within the budget that is available.

The type of guaranteed plan based on time and risk are as follows:


  • Deferred Annuity Plan
  • Joint Life Annuity Plan
  • Whole Life Insurance Plans with Guaranteed Maturity Benefits
  • Immediate Annuity Plan
  • Pension Plan
  • Life Annuity Plan
  • Unit Linked Guaranteed Insurance Plans

A monthly or yearly budget to invest in guaranteed plans can be planned by taking help of a financial advisor. One can also calculate guaranteed plan maturity amount requirements for retirement planning. Guaranteed Return Calculator can help estimate the maturity amount on investment. Thus, by understanding the different features of a guaranteed plan, one can take an informed decision about investing in one.

Which is better, ULIP or Guaranteed Insurance Plans?

ULIP is a hybrid insurance product that combines insurance and investment services under the same plan. The policyholder may also utilize top-up options, such as switching between funds, reducing or increasing coverage levels, additional riders, and the option to surrender.

Guaranteed insurance plans provide benefits such as risk coverage, guaranteed income return, and tax advantages. These are the oldest form of plans to protect individuals who have a low appetite for risk. Guaranteed insurance policies are popular because they are a safe choice. It's a secure investment with no risks involved.

Debt securities make up the bulk of the investible funds. The death benefit is assured, as well as a fixed guaranteed and vested bonus. This allows you to create assets for a lengthy period of time. Premiums are set in stone. Withdrawals will not be permitted until maturity.

ULIPs are frequently sold as investment instruments, but they're primarily used by people who require insurance and those who wish to save tax or boost their capital. The minimum lock-in period for ULIPs is three to five years, whereas the standard policy will be locked in till it matures. When purchasing insurance for only a specific event or purpose, you must buy a conventional policy. However, you may get ULIP coverage and expand your assets with it.


Every stage of life is unique, and your priorities change with time. It's crucial to grasp your short-term and long-term objectives as well as the amount of time it would take you to accomplish them. Setting up an investment horizon in accordance with your long-term goals and financial requirements allows you to select the best strategy.