Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance

Your furry friends are your loyal companions who provide love, comfort and security in your life. There is no doubt that their wagging tails and soft purrs light up your days. So it only becomes essential that you buy pet insurance to ensure their well-being. Imagine it as a warm, protective blanket for your beloved pets, shielding them from the unpredictable fate of illness and injury. Pet insurance acts as the reassuring safety net that grants you the peace of mind to cherish every joyful moment with your four-legged friends. Join us as we explore the world of pet insurance, and know how it offers financial relief and compassionate care when your pets need it the most.

What is Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is a unique type of insurance policy designed to help with the costs of your pet's medical care, whether it is a cat, dog, or another furry friend. Your pet's health needs, such as vet visits, vaccinations, and tick treatments, can add up and put a strain on your finances. This is where pet insurance can help you in getting financial protection for these expenses.

Why Choose Pet Insurance?

Here are a few reasons why should consider buying pet insurance –

  1. To Ensure Your Pet's Well-being
    Opting for pet insurance guarantees the best healthcare for your beloved furry companions whenever they require it.
  2. To Handle Veterinary Expenses
    Veterinary care often comes with a hefty price tag and pet insurance will ease the financial burden of unforeseen illnesses, accidents, or injuries of your pet. This ensures your pet receives essential medical care without worrying about expensive bills.
  3. To Ensure Preventive Care
    Certain pet insurance plans also encompass preventive care that includes vaccinations and routine check-ups. These services not only maintain your pet's health but also aid in the early detection of potential health issues.
  4. To Overcome Unpredictable Circumstances
    Accidents and illnesses can strike without warning. Pet insurance ensures you are ready for unexpected events, be it a sudden injury or a chronic health issue of your pet.
  5. To Access Specialised Care
    Certain pets may need specific treatments, surgeries, or therapies. Pet insurance can open the door to these specialised options.
  6. To Access Protection During Difficult Times
    Certain pet insurance plans go the extra mile to support pet owners with unique coverage benefits in case your pet gets lost, stolen, or causes harm to a third party.
  7. To Get Overseas Protection
    Your pet insurance plan can also provide coverage when you are travelling with your pet. This ensures you are financially safeguarded in case any unexpected incidents occur during your journey.

Pet Insurance Providers In India 2024

Here’s a comprehensive guide to the top pet insurance providers in India in 2024-

Plan Name

Inclusions And Benefits


Future Generali Dog Health Cover

  • Surgery and hospitalisation.
  • OPD cover.
  • Applicable for dogs aged 3 months to 10 years.
  • Optional covers include-
    • Terminal Illness Cover.
    • Veterinary on-call (Home Visit).
    • Lost and Stolen cover.
    • Emergency pet minding cover.
    • Long-term care cover.
    • Third-party liability cover.
    • Funeral cost cover.
  • Dental complications.
  • Any illnesses or injuries from animal racing.
  • Treatments related to breeding, pregnancy or giving birth.
  • Overseas treatment.
  • Pre-existing diseases.
  • Injuries from commercial guarding.
  • Diseases or injuries within waiting periods.
  • Skin treatments.
  • Cosmetic, elective, routine, or preventive treatments.
  • Willful injury to the insured dog.

Bajaj Allianz Pet Insurance

  • Surgery expenses and hospitalisation.
  • OPD coverage.
  • Available for dogs aged 3 months to 4 years (Giant Breeds) or 7 years (Small/Medium/Large breeds) and cats aged 3 months to 7 years.
  • Optional covers include-
    • Theft/Straying/Lost Cover.
    • Mortality Benefit Cover.
    • Terminal Diseases Cover.
    • Long Term Care Cover.


  • Surgeries that are not necessitated by accident or illness.
  • Aggression-related euthanasia, unless attributable to illness.
  • If your dog passes away before completing 30 days from the diagnosis date of any of the listed terminal diseases.
  • Non-payment for glaucoma claims.
  • Lastly, giant breeds over the age of four and all other breeds over the age of seven are not eligible for OPD cover, unless they are renewed with the insurer without a pause.

New India Assurance Dog Insurance

  • Covers death from accidents or diseases and accidental poisoning.
  • Lost or stolen dogs (such as burglary or housebreaking).
  • Third-party liability for personal injury and harm to property (including animals and poultry).
  • It is applicable for dogs aged 8 weeks to 8 years.      
  • Excludes coverage for deliberate harm or neglect, as well as unskilled handling or use of animals.
  • Intentional slaughter, theft, or clandestine sale of the insured animal.
  • Diseases contracted before or within 15 days of policy commencement.
  • Transportation by air or sea.
  • Death due to specific diseases such as distemper, rabies, viral hepatitis, leptospirosis, and viral enteritis can be covered if the dog has been properly vaccinated and a valid Veterinary Certificate is provided.
  • Risks related to transportation, show events, breeding, whelping, and third-party personal injury may be covered with an additional premium, requiring consultation with the nearest operating office for specific details.

HDFC Ergo Paws n Claws Pet Insurance

  • Covers injuries, illnesses, and surgeries.
  • Any injuries or illnesses from commercial activities and other treatment expenses.
  • It entails paying for veterinary checkups and funerals.
  • Covers third-party responsibilities.
  • Does not cover routine check-ups, pre-existing diseases, and preventative and cosmetic treatments.
  • No allowances for any homoeopathic or herbal remedies or pregnancy.


Selecting the Right Pet Insurance

Choosing the ideal pet insurance plan in India requires thoughtful evaluation of various aspects to make sure it suits both your pet's requirements and your financial situation. Listed below is a step-by-step guide to assist you in making a well-informed choice –

  1. Assess Your Pet's Requirements
    First, you need to consider your pet's age, breed, and overall health. Certain breeds are more susceptible to particular health concerns and older pets may necessitate more extensive coverage.

  2. Determine Your Budget
    Decide on the amount you are comfortable allocating for pet insurance premiums and potential out-of-pocket expenses, such as deductibles and copayments.

  3. Research Insurance Providers
    You need to conduct thorough research on reliable pet insurance companies in India. Read reviews, assess customer feedback, and confirm their reputation in terms of their claim handling process.

  4. Understand Coverage Choices
    Learn about the various types of pet insurance coverage available, including health insurance, accident-only plans, wellness packages, comprehensive policies, etc.

  5. Policy Comparison
    Ask for quotes from several insurance providers to compare factors like premium costs, coverage limits, deductibles, copayments, etc.

  6. Examine the Fine Print
    Thoroughly scrutinise the policy documents, terms, conditions, and exclusions and ensure you fully comprehend what the policy covers and what it doesn't.

  7. Review Waiting Periods
    A waiting period is a specific time frame during which some health conditions will not be covered after buying a pet insurance policy. So, ensure that you are aware of the waiting periods that are applicable under the  policy you’re picking.

  8. Understand the Claims Process
    It is very crucial to understand how the claims process works, including how to submit a claim, the necessary documentation, and the time it takes for claims to be processed.

  9. Evaluate Customer Service
    Another important factor to consider is the quality of customer service offered by the insurer. A customer support that responds quickly and provides timely assistance can make the claims process much smoother.

  10. Inquire About Pre-Existing Conditions
    You should also ask about coverage related to pre-existing conditions as some policies might not cover conditions your pet has had prior to the commencement of the policy.

  11. Explore Optional Add-Ons
    Some insurers offer optional add-ons or riders that provide coverage for specific needs, like hereditary conditions or alternative therapies. Hence, take the time to decide whether these are worthwhile additions to your policy.

  12. Seek Recommendations
    You can also reach out to fellow pet owners, veterinarians, or online pet communities and learn from their personal experiences with various insurers.

  13. Review the Network of Veterinary Clinics
    You should check whether the insurance provider has a network of veterinary clinics. Also, find out if you can select your preferred veterinarian, as this information is important to know where your pet can receive medical care.

  14. Evaluate Coverage Limits
    You need to make sure that the policy's annual or lifetime cover limits match your expectations and potential healthcare expenses you may incur for your pet.

  15. Consider Your Pet's Age
    You should be aware that some insurers impose age restrictions for coverage. And hence, you should confirm that your pet meets the policy's eligibility criteria.

  16. Ask About Renewal Terms
    Gain a clear understanding of the renewal process of the policy, including any changes in premiums as your pet gets older.

  17. Consult Your Veterinarian
    Reach out to your veterinarian as they can offer valuable insights and recommendations based on their experience with pet insurance providers and common health issues in your pet's specific breed.

Documents Required for Purchasing Pet Insurance

When it comes to the documents needed for pet insurance, it is important to note that there may be some variations between insurers. In fact, some may not require any documents at all.

However, here's a general list of documents you may need to apply for a pet insurance –

  • You need to  fill out an online form with your pet's details on the insurer’s website
  • Some insurers may request colour photos of your pet from five different angles – front, back, left, right, and the top view.
  • If your pet has an RFID chip, a colour photo that clearly shows the identification number will suffice. The photo should include a newspaper with the date of your application visible.
  • A self-declaration stating that your pet has received all their vaccinations on time.
  • Any other documents or information as requested by the insurer

Eligibility Criteria

Pet insurance is available for pets aged 2 months to 10 years.


The cost of your pet insurance depends on various factors including your pet's breed, age, size, overall health, and the sum insured you choose. These elements collectively determine the price of your plan.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Purchasing a Pet Insurance

Before you decide on pet insurance, you should consider these key factors –

  • Types of Pet Insurance
    Pet insurance comes in various forms and most plans combine accident and illness coverage. This means your pet will be protected if they are injured in an accident, get poisoned, need treatment for life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, etc. The extent of coverage depends on the specific policy you choose. Some combination plans offer wellness benefits like preventive dental care, while there are plans that cover only accidents. And, there are other plans that let you boost your coverage through riders by paying extra.

  • Cost Variation
    The cost of pet insurance plans can vary significantly depending on the specific plan and the age of the pet you are insuring. Insurance for young pets, like puppies and kittens, usually costs less than the coverage for older animals. Also, the extent of coverage directly influences the premium amount.

  • Value Over Price
    It is also important to carefully examine the terms and conditions of a policy before making your choice. While you might be tempted by cheaper plans, they may not provide the comprehensive coverage you need for illnesses and other essential aspects. It is hence wiser to opt for a comprehensive pet health insurance plan that includes coverage for illnesses, accidents, regular vet check-ups, etc., to ensure that your pet is adequately protected.

  • Age, Breed, and Location
    It is a known fact that your pet’s age plays a significant role in determining the premium. Coverage for older pets generally comes with higher premiums, while plans for younger pets are much cheaper. Other than this, the breed or the type of animal you insure, influences the cost - cat insurance is generally cheaper than dog insurance. Furthermore, specific breeds can impact the premium, as some pets are more susceptible to illnesses than others. So, it is essential to consider these aspects when purchasing pet insurance. Moreover, the cost of pet insurance can also vary depending on the city or area where you are buying it.


How to Make a Claim?

Here's how you can file a claim for your pet –

  • First, notify your insurance provider within 24 hours of the incident.
  • It is crucial to get your pet to a qualified veterinarian without delay. Do not wait for the claim to be processed, as pet insurance reimbursements are typically deposited directly into the pet owner's bank account.
  • If your pet is unwell or has met with an accident, file a claim with the necessary documents.

Documents Required for Making a Claim

Here's a list of the documents you will need when making a claim –

  1. Duly completed claim form
  2. Vaccination certificates
  3. In case of mortality benefit cover – a death certificate and coloured photographs of the deceased pet
  4. For surgery expenses and hospitalisation, mortality benefit, long-term care, and OPD covers – vet medical papers and bills
  5. In case of  theft/lost/straying claim – a copy of the general diary entry lodged by the police and an advertisement
  6. Third-party liability cover claims require an FIR and court orders
  7. For terminal diseases, long-term care, and OPD covers – a diagnostics report
  8. Colour photos of your pet, along with a newspaper from the date when you filed the claim, ensuring the newspaper’s date is visible.
  9. If your pet has an RFID tag or microchip, a colour photo of the RFID tag with the identification number clearly visible
  10. Any additional documents requested by the company to process your claim.

Tips to Keep Pets Healthy and Happy

By following these key tips, you can ensure that your pets are healthy and happy –

  • Regular Veterinary Check-Ups
    It is important to schedule routine visits to your veterinarian for vaccinations, preventive care, and overall health assessments. These can help in the early identification of health issues and can significantly improve outcomes.
  • Nutritious Diet
    You should ensure that your pet gets a well-balanced diet tailored to their age, breed, and size. Consult your veterinarian for dietary advice and portion control to keep them in good health.
  • Hydration
    Make sure your pet always has clean, fresh water available. Dehydration can cause various health issues.
  • Exercise and Mental Stimulation
    Engage your pet in regular exercise and playtime. Physical activity is vital for their health, while mental games and puzzles keep their minds sharp.
  • Grooming
    It is also important to stick to a regular grooming routine tailored to your pet's specific needs. This includes brushing their coat, trimming their nails and cleaning their ears and teeth - as per your veterinarian’s advice.
  • Dental Care
    Prioritise your pet’s dental health by brushing their teeth regularly and providing dental treats or toys to help prevent any issues.
  • Socialisation
    It is also a good option to socialise with your pet at a young age to ensure they feel at ease around other animals and people. Positive social interactions play a significant role in their mental well-being.
  • Safe Environment
    You should also make it a point to create a secure and pet-friendly home environment by eliminating potential hazards, keeping toxic substances out of their reach, and ensuring fences and gates are in good condition.
  • Regular Vaccinations
    You will have to stay updated with your pet's vaccinations to shield them from preventable diseases. So, ensure you consult your vet for a vaccination schedule.
  • Parasite Control
    Ensure to follow your vet's advice on administering flea, tick, and internal parasite prevention. Parasites can give rise to a range of health issues.
  • Spaying/Neutering
    You can also consider spaying or neutering your pet unless you have breeding plans. This not only helps prevent specific health problems but also contributes to controlling the pet population.
  • Comfort and Shelter
    Create a safe, comfy home for your beloved pet, whether it is indoors or outdoors. This will ensure that they have a cosy spot to rest.
  • Regular Play and Interaction
    Your pet needs you, so dedicate quality time to play and interact with them. This not only strengthens your bond but also provides them with mental stimulation.
  • Health Monitoring
    While doing all this, also keep a watchful eye on any changes in your pet's behaviour, appetite, or appearance, as these can be early indicators of illness. Timely veterinary care is crucial.
  • Safe Travel
    If you travel with your pet, use suitable carriers or restraints in your vehicle to ensure their safety during the journey.
  • Positive Reinforcement
    You should encourage good behaviour in your pets by using positive reinforcement methods like treats and praise. Avoid punitive training techniques.
  • Affection and Attention
    Show your pet love and attention regularly, as your affection is essential for their emotional well-being.
  • Respect Their Preferences
    You should try to understand your pet's likes and dislikes. Respect their individual preferences and create an environment that suits their comfort.
  • Emergency Readiness
    Last but not least, you should also be prepared for emergencies. Keep a pet first-aid kit on hand, have contact information for emergency veterinarians available, and establish a plan for evacuation if the need arises.



Pet insurance generally includes coverage for different types of accidents, diseases, operations, prescriptions, surgeries and preventive treatment in some cases as well, subject to the policy terms and conditions.

You pay the veterinarian's fees and then file a claim with your insurance company. They will reimburse you according to the deductibles and coverage percentage of your plan.

The majority of pet policyholders permit the use of any licensed veterinarian or specialist.

Think of your pet's age, health needs, breed, and your budget. Examine various plans and thoroughly understand the policy specifics.

Yes, a 30-day waiting period is present prior to the start of the coverage.